Kameoka City's Kyoto Hozuai Koubou is striving to bring the lost art of Kyoto's unique indigo back to life. With a deep commitment to the environment, Kyoto Hozu Indigo Workshop cultivates its indigo without the use of pesticides, focusing on sustainable practices...
Zero waste
Junkan Fes
Inspiring Kyoto's Reuse Generation Junkan Fes is a second-hand clothing event held periodically in Umekoji Park in Kyoto City. It brings circular fashion to life and is quickly becoming a favorite among the young. Organized by Human Forum, the event seeks to establish...
WHAT WE LIKE Threatens extinction of single-use plastic water bottles. Popularity extends beyond Japan, allowing users to use internationally. Beloved and supported by fans, encouraging more people to get onboard. SOC 2★: An app platform that draws in users and...
WHAT WE LIKE Prevents food loss and food waste in multiple aspects. Skilled in maximizing available ingredients to their fullest. Model player in creating a circular lifestyle in Yokohama. ENV 2★: Rethinking food allows the restaurant to manage food loss to a...
RISE & WIN Brewing Co.
WHAT WE LIKE Impressive zero-waste interior design at Tokushima's main store. Commitment to zero waste beer brewing. Active collaborations means excitement for periodic new tastes! SOC 2★: Close relationships with farmers to create circularityENV 1★: Beyond zero...
WHAT WE LIKE Offering plastic-free purchases of individual customer's needs. Vegetables come from across Japan. Wants customers to feel good beyond just consuming. SOC 2★: Wants bridge between customers and farmersCircularity: Refuse(About Sustainability Impact...
Fujimi Mori-No-Office
A co-working office that creates opprtunities for collaboration to revitalize Fujimi Town One of the biggest sustainability challenges faced by companies across all industries is the issue of waste. In recent times, more and more companies and stores have been...
nue by Totoya
WHAT WE LIKE Plastic-free shopping in the middle of Tokyo. Offers organic ingredients and wine. Zero waste shopping for various sustainable products. SOC 1★: Supports customers for a plastic-free shoppingENV 3★: Business model designed to be zero-wasteCircularity:...
WHAT WE LIKE Supported by other services for fashion circularity. Original labels from RE:CIRCLE upcycled clothing. Knowledgable staff who understand recycling and circulariy. SOC 2★: Involved in events to encourage clothes circulation in Kyoto city.ENV 3★: A model of...
LFC Compost
WHAT WE LIKE Designed as a solution to composting in urban areas. Addresses Japan's heightened food waste concerns. Strong after purchase support to help compost correctly. SOC 3★: Inspiring circularity among urbanites, linking to health and wellbeing ENV 3★: Inspires...