WHAT WE LIKE Promotes the democratization of fashion. Overcoming any physical obstacles regarding fashion through customization. Works with hospitals to make more fashionable hospital clothes! SOC 3★: One of the leaders in creating inclusive...
Sustainable fashion and accessories, including genderless fashion!
WHAT WE LIKE A brand reaching beyond a nation's border to better others' lives. Understands circularity and implements ideas to extend material lifecycle. International brand, making their repair services and their remake series available. SOC 3★: Supporting the...
WHAT WE LIKE Gives customers the most important gift: time. Adds value to clothes circulation with pro-stylists. Continual expansion of clothing range, increasing customer choice. SOC 2★: Re-envisions a sharing economy for fashionENV 1★: Circulation of fashion creates...
WHAT WE LIKE Supported by other services for fashion circularity. Original labels from RE:CIRCLE upcycled clothing. Knowledgable staff who understand recycling and circulariy. SOC 2★: Involved in events to encourage clothes circulation in Kyoto city.ENV 3★: A model of...
WHAT WE LIKE Women-led organization A brand built to revitalize the affected areas of Sousou region, Fukushima. Ethical, even offering repairs for their products. SOC 3★: Creating jobs in from scratch in disaster-stuck FukushimaENV 1★: Ethical jewelery little impact...
Sisam fair trade + design
WHAT WE LIKE A pioneer of Fair Trade in Japan. Staff of Sisam fair trade + design are passionate about positive impact on others. Communicates actively with customers to achieve zero-waste. SOC 3★: Directly links with fair trade manufacturersENV 1★: Adopting zero...
WHAT WE LIKE Reviving Japanese silk craftsmanship in Chichibu, Saitama. Promotion of ethical awareness through Chichibu's silk. Understands the connection between nature and fashion. SOC 3★: Contributes to revival of local silk industry ENV 1★: Ethical fashion with...
WHAT WE LIKE High transparency behind the materials used. Support circulating books & records in their Reuse Market. Participates in social issues solving activities. SOC 2★: Participates in social issue solving activity, like Red Button ENV 3★: Designing clothes...
WHAT WE LIKE Naturally dyed through Japanese traditional dyeing techniques. Offers a dyeing kit that allows you to redye the lingerie without fuss. Business model that decentralizes the traditional fashion business model. SOC 2★: Encourage customers to adopt slow...
WHAT WE LIKE Each handmade to ensure highest quality. Use of low environmental impact materials and methods (including dyeing). Scaling successful model beyond Ibaraki Prefecture. SOC 1★: Scalable to include all prefectures in Japan ENV 2★: Minimizes food loss and...