About Zenbird.Life

About Zenbird.Life

Zenbird.Life is a curation site for sustainable brands in Japan, helping you lead sustainable lifestyles without fuss! The team identifies brands that are truly doing good for the society and the environment.

We curate so you don’t have to.

We curate so you don’t have to.

If you are the kind of person who finds time to be precious, Zenbird.Life is here for you. Together with our media partners, we curate brands’ products and services to make sure of their positive impacts.

This way, you have a benchmark for sustainable brands, and save time having to research about them.

It started with Zenbird Media

We are the same team from Zenbird Media, an online magazine that shares sustainability news, interviews and events from Japan. Since 2019, we’ve been following on the sustainability ongoings in Japan and traveled around Japan to discover ideas and activities. They include from tackling of child poverty in Okinawa, to zero waste supermarket in Kyoto, to the recovery of Fukushima from the nuclear meltdown, to the revitalization of the Ainu culture in Hokkaido.  

Why do we need Zenbird.Life?

As sustainability picks up traction in Japan, we also saw how some brands were mistakenly promoting themselves sustianable and misusing the label “SDGs.” Greenwashing is a problem that is growing.

Leveraging on Zenbird Media and its media partners’ strength in having done research and interviews with sustainable brands, we have created Zenbird.Life to help you cut through the noise and identify the brands we have vetted.

How to use Zenbird.Life

We have cerated a simple sustainability impact score to divide them into three aspects. The aspects determine their positive impact on society, on environment, and how circular they are.

Unlike other services that focus on quantity to offer us expanded options, Zenbird.Life instead goes deep to understand each brand. We are working hard to expand our list of brands, while Zenbird.life is great to complement other services!

Note that although we have attached a rating to these brands, we shouldn’t be looking at which brand is better than others. Each brand is created with a specific missions, and we should pick the brands that resonate with our values and beliefs.

More Brands

Enter the E

Enter the E

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ovgo Baker

ovgo Baker

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Understanding eco-labels and certifications in Japan

Understanding eco-labels and certifications in Japan

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WHAT WE LIKE World’s most advanced period shorts! Educational programs that foster open dialogue on gender, sexuality, and women’s health and wellness. The “Girls Be Ambitious” campaign, which donates period shorts to vulnerable girls. SOC 2★: Empowers women and...